rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange skin

reason ruffs a rounded rhyme

to squeeze astringent lyric in


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange peel

the lyric gets more cutting

as jugglers spin a spurious spiel


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange stain

regret that I from earthlings got

irreverent disdain


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange rind

present time refreshing

new condiments of mind


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange mold

presiding over service

where certain psalms unfold


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange seed

new respect for orange

as orange seedlings seed


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange juice

go ahead have a squeeze or two

to enjoy the fruit needs no excuse


rhyme with orange

rhyme with orange flesh

sweet and tangy tongue tip tingle

tempt as tang and taste enmesh


could a part of the orange be you and me

rhyming so cute in our earthly pursuit

nano and flot in our cosmic dot

a pore in the skin of the juicy fruit



copyright 2004 bob tatnell

australia's most pithy poet